As a few Chinese real doll brands such as WM Dolls have attained international success, a number of factories in China have started to unashamedly copy their designs and release counterfeit copies. What’s worse, those copy makers regularly get hold of WM Dolls and YL Doll original photo galleries. As a result, the market has been flooded with cheap, low quality fakes sold on e-shops featuring authentic WM Dolls and YL Doll galleries. The ultimate loser here is the final customer, who receives a doll that doesn’t meet his expectations in terms of quality and design.
How to recognize a fake sex doll?
First, let’s get to know what the quality brands are. Below is a list of the quality and trustworthy brands of realistic love dolls made in China (update May 2021):
- EXDOLLs (silicone)
- Sanhui (silicone)
- JM Doll (silicone)
- Sinodoll (silicone)
- CST Doll (silicone)
- Silikodoll (silicone)
- Elsa Babe (silicone)
- WM Dolls (TPE and silicone)
- YL Doll/YL Doll (TPE)
- OR Doll (TPE)
- Dollhouse168 (TPE)
- Doll Forever (TPE)
- 6YEDoll (TPE)
- EL Doll (TPE)
- HR Doll (TPE)
- Climax Doll (TPE)
- Victoria Sex Doll (TPE)
- SY Doll (TPE)
- SM Doll (TPE and silicone)
- Jarliet (TPE)
- Sange (TPE)
- Piper Doll (TPE and silicone)
- AF Doll (TPE)
- Irontech Doll (TPE and silicone)
- Qita (TPE)
- JL Doll (TPE)
- SEDoll (TPE and silicone)
- XY Doll (TPE and silicone)
- Starpery (TPE and silicone)
The above brands have their own original body and face designs, with some of them owning their own factory. The pictures presented in their galleries show the dolls as they really are, without retouching. If you buy from these brands, you can be sure you’ll get what you see in the pictures.
So, what are the differences between an authentic and a fake doll?
Authentic quality-brand dolls
- Dolls 100% identical to the pictures
- Quality finishing
- Durability of the TPE/silicone
- Solid articulated metal skeleton
- Very detailed sexual areas
- More elastic to the touch (TPE). Breasts, for example, are pleasantly jiggly
- Production in 1-3 weeks
Pirate dolls
- Actual doll slightly differs from the one shown in the pictures
- Rough finishing
- Shorter life of the TPE. Tendency to quickly rip, especially around the sexual areas
- Strong chemical smell
- Flimsy metal skeleton, if a metal skeleton is there at all. It might be an inflatable doll with a coating of TPE.
- Orifices are not in the correct positions
- Production in less than 24 hours
This is how an inflatable doll coated with a layer of TPE looks like:
Of course, the seller will show a gallery of an authentic doll, probably without providing any brand name.
How to recognize a fake doll e-shop?
Certified e-store
- Brand names are explicitly given
- Prices matching or close to RRP
- 100% correspondence between doll photos and doll description
- Availability of pre-shipping pictures
- Customer reviews
Scam e-store
- Un-branded dolls. Or, a brand name not included in the list above
- Mainly photos of WM Dolls and YL Doll
- Lack of correspondence between pictures and descriptions. For example, photos of a 155cm doll are used to sell a 140cm doll.
- TPE dolls described as ‘silicone’ dolls
- Prices ‘too good to be true’, i.e. lifesize dolls sold at less than 1000 euros.
- Hidden costs, refunds only against positive reviews
Fake dolls are increasingly pervasive on the net however with a little attention they can be avoided. Trust the established brands, buy from manufacturers’ official e-shops or verified vendors. That’s all what you need to do.
The Silver Doll ‘authorized reseller’ status of all brands in its catalog can be verified through the brands’ official websites.